5 Min Dumpling Dipping Sauce Recipe

There are few single food items in the world more perfect than Chinese dumplings. Chew, thin dough wrapped around juicy, delicious fillings of endless variety. Dumplings are tasty whether they're fried, steamed, or boiled, and they 're served with delicious contrasting dumpling sauce.


Minced green onions
Minced cilantro (depends on personal taste)
Minced garlic
A little salt
Chili powder (depends on personal taste)
2 tablespoons light soy sauce
2 tablespoons Chinese vinegar
1/2 teaspoons sesame oil

Step 1:
In a small bowl, put the minced ingredients together, and out some salt.

Step 2:
Put some cooking oil into pan and heat it.

Step 3:
When the oil is heated, turn off the heat and wait about 20 or 30 seconds.

Step 4:
Pour the heated oil into the small bowl we prepared before.

Step 5:
Put the vinegar, soy sauce, and the sesame oil into bowl, and stir them.

Finally, dip your dumplings with this yummy sauce! Guten Appetit!

Written by Sistercuisine



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